Dynamic Applications joins Federation for Democracy and Tolerance.



Am Anfang war das Wort.| in the beginning was the word. John 1, 1.










today, 31 March 2o24, Dynamic Applications are joining the Federation for Democracy and Tolerance. It‘s a project initiated by the School i went to, back in 1980 .. 1988, the Niklas Luhmann Gymnasium in Oerlinghausen, the next small town. And what a well-done project.

Continue reading “Dynamic Applications joins Federation for Democracy and Tolerance.”

Zur Akzeptanz menschl. Werte – Asyl und Migration zu 4-5 €/Tag.


Für eine Akzeptanz menschlicher Werte – Asyl und Migration zu 4-5 Euro am Tag. Eingebracht als Positionspapier zum Piraten BPT 2023.2 in Hamburg (PDF).


In einem Rechtsstaat wird der Wert des Menschen an den Ärmsten Menschen gemessen.

Im Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz (GVG) wurde von daher festgelegt, dass dem Mensch nach einem Jahr ohne jegliches rechtliches Gehör (§ 198 GVG) ganze 1.200 Euro Entschädigung zuteil werden.

Das sehen wir im Grunde als korrekt an, denn es muss darum gehen, zunächst das Leben des Menschen an sich zu erhalten. Insofern man für 3-4 Euro am Tag nur Wasser und einen kleinen Sack Reis oder Getreide hinwirft, im Monat 100 Euro, im Jahr 1200 Euro, kann ein gesunder Mensch sein Leben erhalten. Über 80 Jahre gesehen entspricht dies dem Wert des Menschen von 100.000 Euro (in der Versicherungsmathematik als Teil der Wurzel der Menschheit angenommen, der Euro von daher normiert).

Als Piraten sprechen wir uns für eine besonders menschliche Asyl- und Migrationspolitik aus.

Continue reading “Zur Akzeptanz menschl. Werte – Asyl und Migration zu 4-5 €/Tag.”

on Politik in Detmold, OWL.

.. .

ref. art. 22 agb: unter eigener Flagge.

Der Artikel ist in deutscher Sprache verfasst.

Wer es gar nicht mehr ertragen kann, darf aus Transparenzgründen eine kleine Anstecknadel der Größe 1.5 x 1 cm an seiner Kleidung anbringen und auch bei der Arbeit tragen. Was auf dieser kleinen Flagge steht, ist Ausdruck der Persönlichkeit des Mitarbeiters und geht uns und die anderen Mitarbeiter nichts an. 

.. .

international audience:

This article elaborates on Flags, formal hearing (the right to be heard, to receive post), formal ability (the right to be a righteous person before the Law), formal visibility (the right to be seen, to send post), and on an interaction (conflict) of Martin Bernhardt (and Family) with Sparkasse Lemgo, as well as a Micro conflict with Google, and a disussion about Flags and other elementaries with a local Gardening and Parking Place Service in Detmold.

See bottom of this page, or use Google Translate (top right on PC/iPad/Tablet screen).

Zurück zu der Flaggensache. Also wie ist das mit dem Krieg.

Continue reading “on Politik in Detmold, OWL.”

From your Favourite Sky.



i am kloot.


on the right Target velocity to join clubhouse.

creating – – just – – a bit of — ~ — visibility.



dark. white. red. gold. dark green. .. dark blue. .. ability ..





Continue reading “on the right Target velocity to join clubhouse.”

The Hill we climb.

a Poem by Amanda Gorman.


Mr. President, Dr. Jill Biden,

Madam Vice President, Mr. Emhoff, Americans and The World

One day comes we ask ourselves

“where can we find light in this neverending shade?”





The Loss we carry, a Sea we must wade

We braved the belly of the Beast

We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always Peace

And the Norms and Notions of “what just is” isn’t always just’ice.


And yet, the dawn is ours before we knew it

Somehow we do it

Somehow we weathered and witnessed

A nation that isn’t broken, but simply unfinished.




We the Successors of a Country in a Time

Continue reading “The Hill we climb.”

Walk unafraid.



As the sun comes up, as the moon goes down
These heavy notions creep around
It makes me think, long ago

Continue reading “Walk unafraid.”

everywhere whispers to us, a promise.

everything was still


the old world
began to eat itself

like the apocalyptic
that wraps
tight around the globe
again and again.

the rest of us spoke
among ourselves

and grew strong.

Continue reading “everywhere whispers to us, a promise.”

About a social minimum wage, and a fair chance of participation.

Transparency. Privacy Protection. and Participation. our values.

The assembly shall decide:

The Pirate Party of NRW is committed to basic human rights such as the right to life, participation, physical integrity, water, bread, family, a reasonably modest accommodation, and equal opportunity.

In the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, including the associated islands and lakes, each person shall be granted an appropriate right to life, opportunity and participation who reaches this country, or who has taken refuge on a boat. In this respect, we ask to prohibit immoral minimum wages which come close to national socialism.

Continue reading “About a social minimum wage, and a fair chance of participation.”

how to define a conditionless, financeable Universal Basic Income.

we define a conditionless, financiable Universal European Basic Income.


it may sound impossible, but neither it is impossible, nor does it have to be fictional, ridiculous, unrealistic, oder have to be a neo-communist approach. Just requires a bit of modesty, good-will, and a smart approach where we trade, we balance nature’s benefit against poverty and neglecting, selfish behavior of the super posh and shiny super rich.

Let’s calculate a simple, financiably viable UBI (BGE) of 400 Euro/month for the 4-person family.


Continue reading “how to define a conditionless, financeable Universal Basic Income.”

Life‘s what you make it.


World Press Photo 2015: Rescue Operation – Italy-Libyan Coast – Massimo Sestini (AP).


Continue reading “Life‘s what you make it.”

The Prince and the Revolution.

In Memory of an honest person.

Federal Press Agency - The Circle Logo. - 48x48



His name was Prince,

Continue reading “The Prince and the Revolution.”