Dynamic Applications joins Federation for Democracy and Tolerance.



Am Anfang war das Wort.| in the beginning was the word. John 1, 1.










today, 31 March 2o24, Dynamic Applications are joining the Federation for Democracy and Tolerance. It‘s a project initiated by the School i went to, back in 1980 .. 1988, the Niklas Luhmann Gymnasium in Oerlinghausen, the next small town. And what a well-done project.

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on the right Target velocity to join clubhouse.

creating – – just – – a bit of — ~ — visibility.



dark. white. red. gold. dark green. .. dark blue. .. ability ..





Continue reading “on the right Target velocity to join clubhouse.”

The Hill we climb.

a Poem by Amanda Gorman.


Mr. President, Dr. Jill Biden,

Madam Vice President, Mr. Emhoff, Americans and The World

One day comes we ask ourselves

“where can we find light in this neverending shade?”





The Loss we carry, a Sea we must wade

We braved the belly of the Beast

We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always Peace

And the Norms and Notions of “what just is” isn’t always just’ice.


And yet, the dawn is ours before we knew it

Somehow we do it

Somehow we weathered and witnessed

A nation that isn’t broken, but simply unfinished.




We the Successors of a Country in a Time

Continue reading “The Hill we climb.”

Ein Positionspapier: das BGE 1.0 Konzept.

#Pirates Sharing Economy. next up @ #BPT2020.1 D, National Congress, Fürstenwalde.

one world.


das #BGE 1.0 Konzept.


es sei in 4 Modulen abzustimmen:


1.) Gerechtigkeit:

jeder muss die Hälfte pro Monat abgeben,
dann Summe durch Teilhaber = gerechter Anteil,
und dann bekommt jeder Mensch seinen gerechten Anteil ausgezahlt.


2.) nur Lebensnot:

alle reichsten Menschen müssen bis zu 100 Euro an die ärmsten abgeben, Rest bleibt halt frei nach Artikel 2. Das gildet denn halt aber auch pro Monat.


3.) nur der eine Euro:

im 1. Jahr zahlt jeder Bundesbürger nur 1 Euro,
denn aber jedes Jahr wenigstens 1 Euro mehr, für 100 Jahre.


4.) die Meisterprüfung.

wer BGE 1.0 Konzept verbessert, musst du erst ma Ticket für 12 Euro kaufen. Dann einmal BPT organisieren, den Algorithmus musst du einreichen,und dann musst du halt auch die Abstimmung gewinnen.

Sonst gildet‘s nicht. Aber wer so das BGE verbessert, der bekommt als einziger das Doppelte, für 10…

View original post 140 more words

everywhere whispers to us, a promise.

everything was still


the old world
began to eat itself

like the apocalyptic
that wraps
tight around the globe
again and again.

the rest of us spoke
among ourselves

and grew strong.

Continue reading “everywhere whispers to us, a promise.”

Zur wirksamen Bekämpfung der Arbeitslosigkeit, und für soziale Gerechtigkeit.

one world.

The Assembly may decide:

Startup Product Manager - logo

Die Piratenpartei NRW setzt sich in besonders hohem Maße für Teilhabe, Chancengerechtigkeit, Fairness, Ehrlichkeit, sowie den Schutz und die elementare Versorgung der Familien ein.

Aus diesem Grund soll jeder Mensch in diesem Land ein Grundrecht auf Leben und elementare Versorgung erhalten.

Um die Selbstbestimmung des Einzelnen zu erhalten, soll jeder Mensch, der diesem Land angehört, ein Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen von 250 Euro pro Monat erhalten. Mit diesem kann zum Beispiel eine Krankenkasse finanziert werden, damit Menschen nicht an ihrer Armut versterben. Um die Freiheit des Einzelnen zu respektieren und zu fördern, sollen alle Menschen selbst über die Verwendung des BGE entscheiden dürfen. Das BGE wird monatlich vom Finanzamt überwiesen; Kinder erhalten ein entsprechendes Sparkonto.

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Life‘s what you make it.


World Press Photo 2015: Rescue Operation – Italy-Libyan Coast – Massimo Sestini (AP).


Continue reading “Life‘s what you make it.”

The globalist.

written by:

Matthew James Bellamy.

work of / recorded and

published by:





You were never truly loved
You’ve only been betrayed

You were never truly nurtured
By churches or the state


You were left unprotected
To these wild and fragile lands

Continue reading “The globalist.”

Key Insights You Will Gain After Running a Simulated Company.

Great post, very interesting. Like it a lot.

One of the key things where many Startups fail is the cost/profit and proper price calculation.

So they have a genius idea and a strong motivation, but since everything is new to them, they have no idea about what to charge for their products. If it‘s too low, they gonna work themselves to death; if it‘s too high, no customers. A good starting point is to check your competition and charge a little less. But take care and make really sure that you can make that price. Work not only on saving like cracy, but as well on the processes that will allow you to make that price and survive. Keep in mind that it takes 20 years to build a reputation, and 5 minutes to ruin it. A Startup has no reputation at all, and so, it takes a lot of time to build a brand, the desire, and the reputation that will bring you thousands of customers comes in at last, or never.

Define a company ethics that fits your belief and let your culture develop by following that ethcis yourself, whatever you produce or what services you are offering, by any means. The stronger the guiding light, the larger the audience it can reach, and the stronger the magnet, the larger the power that your personal fan crowd can generate. In 21st century, it‘s our culture that separates us from competition. Laptops we got all.

At Dynamic Applications, our culture is based on Transparency, Privacy protection, and Participation.

And so, we build Startup Business Planners that are self-explaining, they gather no data at all, and we let the people decide about the best ideas to simulate, and the platform roadmap, in turns. It‘s free of charge, but the professional simulation builder is 25 Euro (our Apps offer all functionality for specific Startups, and they‘re micro-payment, and there‘s traditional freeware and free promo codes on Twitter). So that’s Participation.

So if they vore fun, we build fun, and if they vote seriously, we build serious solutions.

There are sacrifices, you know. I sold my car in 2017.
But if you look at it over time, it’s growing like crazy.

Martin Bernhardt,
Founder of Dynamic Applications.

ringbolt consulting services

Imagine you are assigned to a team that will start and run a new venture for your company. You and your team are entrusted with funding to obtain a facility, manufacture products, hire employees, and market and sell your products. You and your team must decide everything from product pricing, to taking loans for improvements and paying expenses as you work toward the goal of building equity and net worth.

diversity-3402716_1920You make mistakes along your journey and in doing so learn firsthand why “cash is king” and how your venture can be profitable while tottering on the brink of bankruptcy. And while you and your team benefit from these valuable business experiences, you are never in danger of financial ruin or suffering the many other life-changing pitfalls of running a business.

Welcome to the world of simulation business training.

View original post 453 more words

a Pursuit of Happiness.

Transparency. Privacy protection. and Participation. our values.

Pirate Desire - white Logo

But how can we realize that?


Online Democracy.

Continue reading “a Pursuit of Happiness.”

A Strategical Reserve of BNetzA.

2017.11.12. Politics in Germany, Heart of European Union.

Climate Conference in Bonn, the old capital, in worldwide connections.

Politician Statements.

Continue reading “A Strategical Reserve of BNetzA.”

Drei Fragen an Marina Weisband (2): die Bedeutung des Internets.

“Freiheit ist immer die Freiheit des Andersdenkenden. Rosa Luxemburg.”

Widmung, Marina Weisband.

für ein Buch am Tag der folgenden Diskussion, nachdem der Autor als einziger der Zuhörenden am Ausgang gleich zwei Bücher von ihr kaufte.

das zweite Buch bekam die Widmung: “für Yvonne”.

eins der beiden Bücher besitzt der Autor dieses Artikels bis heute.

Sharing is Caring <3.

one world.

2. Frage: was denkst du über folgende Aussage?

“das Internet ist der Nachbau des menschlichen Gehirns!”

… ich hatte einfach das Gefühl, dass diese junge Frau auch von komplexen Fragen nicht aus der Bahn geworfen wird…

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