About a social minimum wage, and a fair chance of participation.

Transparency. Privacy Protection. and Participation. our values.

The assembly shall decide:

The Pirate Party of NRW is committed to basic human rights such as the right to life, participation, physical integrity, water, bread, family, a reasonably modest accommodation, and equal opportunity.

In the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, including the associated islands and lakes, each person shall be granted an appropriate right to life, opportunity and participation who reaches this country, or who has taken refuge on a boat. In this respect, we ask to prohibit immoral minimum wages which come close to national socialism.

Everyone shall be granted the right to live in this country, from his own hands work. If a person wishes to join this country, his or her application for admission shall be decided within a reasonable period of 1 year.

Children up to the age of 18 are supposed to be represented by their parents in terms of admission, provided that they do not argue reasonably in order to exercise their constitutional rights, themselves. An application for participation in the Pirate Party of NRW shall be rejected only for good reason, to protect the fair participation and the survival of the many.

If a person pleads famine for a good reason, the Pirate Party of NRW shall operate a bakery which prepares up to 1 good kg of bread for nutrition, made of water, flour, sugar, salt and sourdough within one day, and offer enough water for the total price of one Euro.

Each pirate shall be able to exercise the fundamental right to operate such a bakery out of their own family, without registering with the national state, or as well any political party or religion, to which he or she has been assigned by uninvolved third parties since birth. Water and Bread are to be picked up on site.

If a person, with or without personal fault, can not raise one single Euro within one day to sustain his or her life, each member shall make available his fair share of the party’s assets up to the full amount of his or her contribution to maintain that legal position, so that the Pirate Party NRW also formally assumes liability, up to its own substance of 1000 Euro, in order to maintain the operation of one bakery. In representing the assembly of respectable, righteous people, no participator shall be expected to be indebted.

Unless the Pirate Party succeeds in practicing law and justice in the general case, Pirates shall, if necessary, tolerate that the other people would be starving us to death, should they refuse to give us anything.

It shall be up to each family to make the decision to use appropriate means of robbery or violence in this case to survive, if necessary.

From the date of this positional paper, the regular Membership Fee in the Pirate Party of North Rhine-Westphalia shall amount to 12 Euro per person per year.




A political party who wants to gouvern and participates in elections, should as well be able to reign. just in case they have written the most convincing program for all we people.




Liberation of any participating member, and, as a matter of consequence, natural growth.

Liberation of we the people to follow.


german version.

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